With the recent impacts of Covid19, alongside an abundance of empty roles, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to hire new and inspired talent to their workforce.
Here at Panoramic Associates, we believe it’s important for candidates to find companies that are fulfilling and motivating because despite the wide variety of jobs available at your fingertips, it’s important to scope out the field and assess the core values of each company you’re looking to interview with. Positive communication in conjunction with a company that makes time to understand their candidates’ motivations will undoubtedly draw your attention, but in today’s competitive working industry, what else should you be looking out for?
A study by The Undercover Recruiter[i] ranked the most sought requirements by candidates, here are some of their findings below.
Social Events, Interest, and Care
It could be likely that you’re one of the many UK job seekers that values a positive and caring working environment higher than a superior pay cheque. According to Penketh Group ‘Long gone are the days when social interaction was considered slacking and workers were required to sit at their desks and not lift their heads until their to-do list was complete’[i]. Many offices competing for top talent should now offer a space for their employees to socialise alongside their daily job. When interviewing, is it immediately clear that the company values the interest of their employees? Have they gone beyond expectations to provide a workspace that is enjoyable, relaxing, and stimulating?
In tandem with a wonderful workspace, does your chosen company offer social events and encourage out of office interaction? Working with a successful company is important but if social opportunities are not provided you could be left feeling alone and disconnected from your colleagues. Reach out to potential employers and note down what they offer their team.
Since the pandemic, the support and care that a company offers has become the number one criterion for many jobhunters. You should stay vigilant for company’s that feed you a rose-tinted model of their business throughout the interview process. Choosing to seek 3rd party feedback from old and current employees can give you insight into whether the corporation truly goes above and beyond to make sure you have a healthy, supportive, and vibrant workplace.
Economic and Developmental opportunities
Even with the rise in interest of social and emotional advantages in professions, the economic side of your chosen position should not be left unchecked. Consider whether the salary is competitive, and if the company itself is financially secure.
You could also question the recruiter about promotion viability. Many jobs will offer opportunities to upskill their employees and provide opportunities for career advancement, which is of high importance as it enables a secure and dynamic role for the future.
To finish, remember to always be vocal about your requirements, these qualities should always be assessed regardless of what job you’re applying for. But remember that sadly, not all businesses provide their employees with these benefits and many will vary depending on your role within a company. The perfect job is what we all dream of, but this can be unrealistic. Compromise from both you and the corporation will ensure you both achieve a goal that encourages hard work, development, and support.
[i] Rod McMillan, The Undercover Recruiter, The Six Core Values To Attract Candidates, https://theundercoverrecruiter.com/core-values-attract/, date unknown
[ii] The Penketh Group, How Important Are Workplace Social Spaces, https://penkethgroup.com/knowledge-centre/important-workplace-social-spaces/, 2022
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